Lawyers = Fact Experts
A Cross Examination Publication by Aleri
Pre text: Mastering the facts of a case gives you the power to harness the degree of accuracy and representation of your client.
It is important for the cross-examining lawyer to have mastered the facts of the case. It is an advantage for the lawyer to have personally reviewed all the details of the case as opposed to having a junior lawyer or a paralegal do this. By personally reviewing all the evidence the lawyer is better equipped to cross-examine the witness.
When the witness is cross-examined by the lawyer with a complete knowledge of the facts, the witness is less likely to try to misrepresent the facts to the detriment of your client. In the O.J. Simpson trial, F. Lee Bailey asserts control over the witness who was a police officer who arrived at the scene of the crime. He does this by having a thorough knowledge of the facts, the scene of the crime, and police procedures.
See extract of O.J. Simpson trial:
Published By Aleri, the world’s leading cross examination software